Thursday, October 13, 2016

Book Of Job compared to Holocaust

After reading the story of Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum I realized it is very similar to The Book of Job. While God was torturing Job and making his life miserable, Job had two choices. He could abandon this faith in God and question why God was doing this to him, which was the easy way out, or he do something a little more difficult and stay faithful to God throughout everything. Job mad the hard decision of staying true to God no matter what he did and in the end was thankful to God for keeping him alive. But not everyone could have handled what Job did because during the holocaust there were all different kinds of people that had to go through this traumatizing event unlike Job who was specially chosen to endure the pain. Menachem's father took the same approach to the situation as Job. He felt "A God who limits himself to actions that we humans can understand couldn't possible be God."  His father believed that whatever God does is for a good reason even if we can't understand why. Menachem's mom however felt the complete opposite of his father. " She told me when she's called before God in final judgement, she will turn the tables. She will demand to know why he stood by silently during the Holocaust as her large family was being destroyed." She could not accept the fact that God did not help her during the Holocaust and that God let so many other innocent people die.

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